
Thursday, February 28, 2019

College Graduation Essay

I had been time lag for this morning to come for four years. In a few hours it came and went, hardly it was an important time in my life. Graduation mean solar day was the end of wiz life and the beginning of a new life with different problems, worries and cheers. darn flinging in the theater, I had seen hundreds of parents, grandparents, children, and even alumni students. My family was there, aflame and cheering for me because I had fin bothy made it. I was backstage getting ready for the walk on stage and thinking that I had finally reached the one day that would end college life and start a new life in the workplace.The time came for all the graduates to line up and start heading on stage to begin the ceremony. The walk to the podium seemed to take forever, as if we were waiting in line at Cedar Point. I just cherished to get my college degree, and get the day over with, but we had to wait for the bind to start playing as well as the Valedictorians and Salutatorians to b egin. I was excited and s sustainmentd at the same time because I knew that once I walked across that stage everything would be different. The sound of the cheering, the stately symphony, the solemn atmosphere, and the joy of the students all play a part in creating this spectacle.It had represented the end of years of our hard work, careful planning, and studiousness. We must say goodbye to the frolic and excitement of college age and enter the real world. As graduates, were reminded of tariff to uphold and the finest traditions of the university and act in a spirit of honesty and integrity. During the start exercise I became bored. Crazy thoughts started roaming through my head while session there. Such as oh my god I hope I preceptort trip and fall in these six inch sick heels, Im nervous hundredths of people will be consummate(a) as I walk across that stage.Just before I knew it Good morning staff, parents, and fellow graduates. This year, you seniors have come a yen way, Ms. Pierce, our vice president at the university, droned into the microphone. Ms. Pierce is a tall, thick, brown-skinned woman, who Ive of all time known throughout my four years there at the university. As she went on babbling about how proud she was, and how hard wed worked, all I could think about was how I had longed for this moment to finally come, I was still somewhat startled and amazed by this brilliant event. This at last brought small joyful tears to my eyes.Just a few days earlier, I had been counting down the days to graduation. Only two days left before graduation, and four weeks and four days left until spend I shouted out as I began marking finish off the May days in my calendar. Waiting to be called up and so all of a sudden I heard Tamar Perryman, with a cheap applause and smiling faces of excitement. Walking up to get my degree as well as shaking the vice presidents hand with a planetary house grip. Finally I had overcome my fear and accepted my bachel ors degree About an hour later, our graduating class threw our caps up.As a abbreviate of excitement, It was now time to party afterwards I and some of my different classmates went from one friend party to the next following the commencement. When walking towards the backyard I had smelled barbeque from the grill, and boy did it smelled delicious. My stomach started to growl and I knew that was a print to hurry and smash. I also noticed the beautiful dandelions off by the side of the garage. Picnics tables were set with decorated signs that read Congrats youve made it balloons were pinned up, soft music was playing from the garage Adults were gathered around taking pictures with friends and family.Several parents and grandparents dish up to share their excitement as well, gifts were brought from office supplies to home house eat appliances. By midnight I was extremely tired from what a long day, I knew today would be a memory that I would never entomb about while lying in my q ueen size sleigh bed. Before dozing off to sleep, I started thinking about what hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities I was going to apply to first thing in the morning.

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